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As dumb as blaming guns

Blaming Harry Potter for school shootings.

3 Responses to “As dumb as blaming guns”

  1. TK Says:

    I’d give her kids about 10 years to 1) come out as homosexual, 2) start waving guns in their school, 3) claim they were sexually abused by their minister, 4) never go to church again after leaving home, 5) all of the above.

  2. Ed Buckby Says:

    Ummmm . . . haven’t most of the school shootings here as of late been done by . . . adults? I doubt these guys read Harry Potter.

    On one hand, I agree that Harry Potter glamorized “witchcraft” and all, but let’s face it, the list of kids’ stories with witches and wizards is a mile long. Ever read King Arthur? There you go. I think Merlin would kick Harry’s BUTT, but that’s just me. LOL!

    I don’t think it’s as much about what the kids read in school as much as it is about how parents treat their kids when they’re NOT in school.

  3. Sigivald Says:

    Ed: Lots and lots and lots of adults read Harry Potter books. Like, most of the adults I know (myself not included as of yet).

    But, yeah, still not to blame. (Did Harry Potter travel back in time and make Charles Whitman climb that clock tower, too?)

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