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Picking nits = jail time

Odd case:

Fadi Mohammad didn’t think there was anything wrong with storing a gun in the center console of his car.

He found out differently when he was charged with illegally carrying the weapon during an arrest for drunken driving in Louisville.

When his case went to court, a judge dismissed the charges, saying the center console fell under a provision in Kentucky law allowing guns to be carried in a glove compartment.

Sounds reasonable to, oh, everyone. Except the supreme court of Kentucky:

But the Kentucky Supreme Court reinstated both charges yesterday in a split decision issued in Frankfort, saying a center console is not a glove compartment.

“A glove compartment is a small storage cabinet in the dashboard of an automobile,” Justice Donald C. Wintersheimer wrote in the opinion.

In Kentucky, it makes a difference if you put it in the console or the glove compartment.

6 Responses to “Picking nits = jail time”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Stupid issue.

    They should be addressing the fact that he was drunk, in public, and in possession of a firearm.

  2. chris Says:

    I thought that Allah or Muhammad declared that Muslims were prohibited from drinking alcohol.

  3. Nomen Nescio Says:

    earth to kentucky – laws are supposed to help us make sense of complex, hairy snarls. they don’t do us much good when they become complex, hairy snarls; kindly stop being part of the problem and consider becoming part of the solution.

  4. Ed Buckby Says:

    The judges in Kentucky must be REALLY bored.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Kentucky Supreme Court has a history of such stupid and illegal, nonsensical decisions. They once upheld the conviction of a man for DWI, who never left his own farm and was not even in his vehicle when the state troopers trespassed on his land and asked him if he had driven to his creek.

    The reasoning, if it can be called that, was that since he had been drinking, even though he had not left his own land and was skipping rocks in the creek to try to cool off after a verbal argument with his girlfriend, no one could know just when he would go careening down a public highway and cause harm to others.

    I kid you not! Which brings up the question, why weren’t all the justices on the Kentucky Supreme Court in prison for child rape. They all had penises and no one could know when they would pass a schoolyard and go wild and do harm to those children?

  6. Ravenwood Says:

    This seems like a no brainer. A glove compartment is any compartment where gloves are stored. Just put a pair of gloves in the center console and be done with it.

    In Virginia, concealing a handgun anywhere in your car (without a concealed handgun permit) is illegal. So when we’re transporting without said permit, we just lay that baby on the seat or the dashboard in plain sight.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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