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Smart Lock Trigger Locks

Les wants to know if you’ve tried them. Look pretty nifty in terms of having a gun that is secured from kids and readily accessible. I recall a gun magazine recommending them a while back but, since those are funded by ads, they tend to recommend everything they review.

4 Responses to “Smart Lock Trigger Locks”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    since those are funded by ads, they tend to recommend everything they review.

    Guess you need Consumer Reports for gun stuff, eh?

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Smart gun tech that’s actually useful. What a concept.

  3. OldeForce Says:

    Had one of these. They suggested the gun be unloaded before setting the lock. Duh.

  4. markm Says:

    Not so useful if you can’t unlock your gun in the dark.

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