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Cali shuts down gun maker

I don’t know why anyone does business in Cali:

The state attorney general’s office has ordered Jimenez Arms, the maker of inexpensive semiautomatic handguns, to stop making guns after several models repeatedly failed safety tests.

The cease and desist order was the latest setback for the company previously known as Bryco Arms, which was bankrupted by a $24 million court judgment after a teen was paralyzed by an accidental shooting.

3 Responses to “Cali shuts down gun maker”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    New motto: “Come to California ‘We’ll sue you'”

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I don’t know why anyone does business in Cali

    I didn’t know anyone does.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    Jiminez Arms in no longer domiciled in Ca. They can tell Lockyer to go pound salt up his ass.

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