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Not PC


His name is Jim Pruett and he formed half of one of the most outrageous duos in Houston radio history — Stevens and Pruett — back in the 1990’s. He’s raising controversy on the airwaves again — this time as a gun shop owner. He says Houstonians must arm themselves, because of the rise in crime. But, as you would imagine, some Katrina evacuees say they are being publicly called out.

“The sale of handguns are up 50 percent in this store,” Pruett told Eyewitness News.

Gun shop owner Jim Pruett says Houston’s growing crime problem has brought a boom in business. It’s a trend Pruett ties in part to the arrival of Katrina evacuees. This is his latest radio advertisement:

“When the Katricans themselves as saying the crime rate will go up if they don’t have more free rent, then it’s time to get your concealed weapons license.”

I have some friends in Houston. They’ve said crime has gone up quite a bit, including two murders nearby and that had never happened that they remember.

One Response to “Not PC”

  1. Phelps Says:

    I grew up listening to Stevens and Pruett in Dallas, and look how I turned out. Also, if you want to have some fun, ask Pruett about that plane with all the alleged cocaine or alleged weapons in it (depending on who you talk to) that he crashed or was forced to land (depending on who you talk to) and spent some time in a Mexican prison over (the length of which is determined by… who you talk to.) It’s a fun story.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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