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gun control and violence

David has the testimony of Preston K. Covey, Ph.D. to The Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Urban Violence.

2 Responses to “gun control and violence”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Its a very well written piece, to be sure, which barel;y mentions the Second Amendment. The title of course, would suggest that;

    “Can Gun Control Reduce Violence?
    What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know?
    Commonsense Logic & Ethics for Evaluating Policy Options”

    I have a superior question;
    Would this proposed law or that proposed restriction. or that proposed requirement, constitute an infringement on the Right of the People to keep and bear arms, and should the legislator, mayor, governor, law enforcement officer, judge or president supporting such a proposal be merely imprisoned or put before a firing squad?

    In case there is any confusion over the issue, my dictionary defines an infringement thusly:

    “an encroachment on land, rights, privileges, or activities that belong to somebody else, especially in a minor or gradual way.”

    A perfect description of the entire anti-gun movement, wouldn’t you all say?

  2. Sebastian Says:

    You have to consider the audience. This was a conference held at Philadelphia City Hall. Appeals to the second amendment or the PA state constitution will not hold any sway at all with these people. I think the tactic of forcing them to face the futility of gun control is the only way to get them to back off.

    Sadly, these people don’t give a rats ass about either the federal or state constitution if they can stay in power by looking like they are doing something about the crime problem.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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