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Grand Rapids neighborhoods that were virtual shooting galleries earlier this summer have quieted down substantially thanks in part to stepped up police patrols, curfew sweeps and increased community contact. The effort to stanch the violence — dubbed Operation All-Out by Grand Rapids Police Chief Harry Dolan — is likely to continue through September, as it should.

For sure, there has been a cost, $96,000 in police overtime. But the payoff for citizens and the city as a whole is more than worth it.

What’s missing? Amazing how policing is more effective than gun control.

2 Responses to “Interesting”

  1. Justin Buist Says:

    Oh, they’re still looking to do a guy buy-back too.

    They are doing some good work, though. GRPD got a real bug up their ass when their field office got fire-bombed.

  2. _Jon Says:

    Amazing – police do the job they are paid to do and crime goes down.

    Kinda dog bites man story, isn’t it?

    As for the “cost” – isn’t that what we pay f-ing taxes for????

    :smashing things:

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