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Need to get a permit

It’s no secret that I hate geese. In Washington, they finally realized that people have had enough of the vile, disgusting creatures:

They tried border collies in Virginia. They tried a stuffed coyote in New Jersey. In fact, officials nationwide have tried just about everything to get rid of large flocks of Canada geese that move in, eat the grass and leave lots of unwanted poop.

Until now, geese foes have had to obtain permits from the government to kill the geese or destroy their nests and eggs, and that hasn’t been easy. But the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a new rule making it easier for farmers, airports, landowners and public health officials to kill the geese without permits.

The new rule went into effect last week.

Good. Vile, filthy creatures that turn your land into a shit pile. And, if you have water on it that they take a liking to, you just lost your property rights. More:

Animal rights activists say there’s got to be a better way to deal with the birds.

Yes, a suppressed Ruger 10/22. The new rules allow:

_Airports, public health officials and landowners to destroy nests and eggs without federal permits.

_Private and public airports to round up the birds for destruction without federal permits.

_Local governments to round up the birds if they threaten public health by congregating at reservoirs, athletic fields, parks and public beaches.

One Response to “Need to get a permit”

  1. _Jon Says:

    At my work, we had a horrible problem with them.
    About 3 years ago, a mama fox took over the den of a groundhog.
    No more geese, just three cute foxes to watch each day….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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