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Public Restrooms

So, what kind of person wipes their own feces* on the stall of a public restroom? Sick bastard.

* I assume it was their own. I mean, they could have wiped someone else’s feces on the wall, which would only make it slightly more disgusting.

5 Responses to “Public Restrooms”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    Maybe they took their horse into the stall and it got sick.

  2. Justin Says:

    According ot my last psych prof it is usually the result of bad potty training and or a traumatic experience that took place during that phase.

    “Uncle Fred always like for me to sit on his lap as a wee little lad…”


  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    A sick and twisted moron marking his “terratory”…

  4. gattsuru Says:

    Could be worse. I remember working in a diner and finding the word “Help” scrawled across the wall in a woman’s restroom.

    I’d assume mental illness.

  5. triticale Says:

    Even more disgusting, it could have been thick brown tempera paint.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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