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Kinda silly

Phil Bredesen basically says he judges them by the color of their skin and not the content of their character.

4 Responses to “Kinda silly”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I’m not a big Bredesen fan, but I think that’s a bit of a stretch. He seems to be in a lose-lose here, and isn’t handling it well.

  2. chris Says:

    This is even worse than the Tennessee Plan for selecting appellate judges.

    With one exception, the blacks in my law school class perenially brought up the rear of the class from an academic standpoint.

    Maybe if Jr. can get past the Tn Bar Exam, Bredessen can appoint him to the bench one day.

    With a Pennsylvania undergraduate degree and a Michigan law degree, that shouldn’t be too difficult, but that would likely require addressing the fairness and advisibility of “affirmative” action.

    If I were a betting man, I would bet that the above schools added points to Jr.’s test scores to justify admitting him.

    It looks like Bredessen wants to perptuate the policy of advancing people on a skin color, and not merit, basis.

    That is sad, becasue we need smart justices on our Supreme Court.

  3. » Uncle on Bredesen Says:

    […] Say Uncle makes a point on Bredesen’s latest. From Say Uncle right here.  […]

  4. Sean Braisted Says:

    He wanted to have the choice of a qualified African American, it doesn’t mean they are neccessarily going to get the job. I have a hunch that the reason Dinkins dropped out was because he became “unacceptable” when he overturned a conviction of a drug dealer, because he found the state’s drug tax laws to be “entrapment”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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