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Meeting with bankers all day

I can’t help but notice, if you work at a bank and you’re not a teller, you must be a vice president.

5 Responses to “Meeting with bankers all day”

  1. M. Neal Says:

    Yeah, banks don’t pay so well. They give out titles left and right instead, Vice presidents and Officers.

  2. JustinB Says:

    I know a “VP” at a very large regional bank who gets paid $35k a year….but like M Neal said, they get a nifty title in lieu of better pay.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Heh. As far as I could tell, one guy was the VP In Charge of Getting Coffee.

  4. Masked Menace© Says:

    Well, what a VP means in banking is that their signature is legally binding. So if you need someone to be able to sign a contract you have to make them a VP.

    Once you get out of the branches and into the corporate offices, they get harder to come by (although there are still quite a few of them).

  5. Manish Says:

    I’ve heard this referred to as “Title inflation”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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