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Old vs New World Rescues

American tourists are unhappy because the gov isn’t bailing them out of Lebanon fast enough, nor will the gov pick up the tab when they do get around to rescuing people. I wasn’t aware my passport came with travel insurance. I love that being an American means never having to bear the cost and responsibility of your own risk-taking.

Interestingly, France, Italy and Britain aren’t having much difficulty getting their people out. What’s more, they’re not requiring evacuees to reimburse them.

I was in Israel at the start of the second intifada. It was dangerous, but I stayed because I didn’t think Israel was going to get any better any time soon. I figured that as bad as it might be, Israel was at a relatively safe point and it might be my last chance to see Israel for a long time.

I accepted that risk. If it had turned out poorly for me, I’d have had to blame my own stupidity before blaming Washington for my bad fortune.

5 Responses to “Old vs New World Rescues”

  1. deb Says:

    Americans tend to be naive when they travel to foreign countries. It’s a whole different set of rules, not a trip to Disney World. To be fair, though, the travel industry tends to gloss over the subject, it’s bad for business, and geography is no longer a required subject in schools. I can hear some tourist now, “I didn’t go to the Middle East, I went to Beirut.” Feh.

    Common sense would go far in preventing these situations. It’s a shame it’s been replaced with this wierd sense of entitlement.

  2. Firehand Says:

    Let’s see, go to country in somewhat unstable part of the world; stay while situation deteriorates; situation goes to hell; scream and yell for rescue; bitch and whine because you might actually have to pay something for the trip out.

    Tough shit, people. You takes your chances and pays your bill when it comes due.

  3. existingthing Says:

    The state department had some pretty harsh words warning travelers against visiting lebanon, since they chose to ignore the warnings, who can they blame? (anyone and everyone)

    Besides, it isn’t as though they can just post big signs that say, “If you’re an American, come to this helicopter on this landing pad!” It isn’t as though they really love Americans over there. I doubt they’d miss out on an opportunity to blow up a large number of Americans gathered in one place…

    I’ll take my next trip out of the country, and get in trouble, I’ll just say that the government has to bail me out.

  4. Brutal Hugger Says:

    When I was a kid, every place my dad wanted to go on vacation became a war zone within 6 months. I’ve somehow continued the trend of finding civil unrest while travelling. Israel in late 2000, got caught in a PKK riot in Berlin that same year, somehow ended up in a situation that provoked military suppression of black vagabonds in South Africa, etc.

    I really should learn to stay home or confine my travelling to Disney world.

  5. Devich Says:

    It’s true that most Americans are very naive when it comes to travel in other countries. I remember when I was in medical school, one of my classmates told me she was vacationing in Southern Philippines. I thought to myself, “Are you crazy?” I really don’t think she understands how dangerous it is.

    Then I have people asking me about Thailand, and about places to see in Thailand. The most beautiful places, in my opinion, are in my father’s hometown in Southern Thailand, but the attacks on civilians by Islamic separatists make travel dangerous.

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