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Guns and Republican Politics

I’ll take almost anyone but John McCain and Rudy Giuliani for the win, Alex.

4 Responses to “Guns and Republican Politics”

  1. Spank That Donkey Says:

    Amen Brother!!! Hopefully, we will get a “Pub” thru the process who is to the political right of “W”… I like “W’s” foreign policy, but he has never been pro Second Amendment enough for me….

  2. Jacob Says:

    Rudy isn’t a serious candidate. There’s no way he’d make it through a GOP primary. He’s much too liberal.

  3. Curly Says:

    Instapundit did a poscast yesterday with McCain. In it, McCain clearly stated that 1) he supported the 2nd amendment, and 2) he supported a law that would make it illegal to confiscate legally owned guns (referencing what happened after Katrina.) It was plain, unequivocal – but not detailed.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    He also supported the AWB.

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