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Et tu, Texas?

I expect this stuff in Cali, NY or Mass. But not Texas:

[T]he City Council’s Public Safety Committee … next month will consider a community request to crack down on replica and toy guns. The review follows protests from Weed & Seed and other southern Dallas community groups over a South Dallas merchant’s sale of toy weapons. The groups want the city to outlaw selling realistic-looking weapons, which can include paintball guns and those toy guns that federal law currently requires be marked with a bright red or orange tip to identify them as facsimiles.

2 Responses to “Et tu, Texas?”

  1. tex Says:

    Dallas has a Dem Mayor. The local news just put on a whole series of scare stories about realistic toy guns being sold to kids by Ice cream truck vendors. I think it was that angle that really pissed off parents. you expect your kid to by ice cream from the mr softee guy and only ice cream. They felt like they were being circumvented in the decision loop. there is enough gang activity in South Dallas that having a realistic gun toy gun and waving it around could be… less than wise and healthy. I dont agree, but I see why some parents are being sucked into this stupidity. I want to involved in the choices of where my child obtains things and what those things are. I dont like it if someone trys to negate my involvment as a parent.

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    They really consider paintball guns to be realistic looking weapons? They might look like something out of a sci-fi movie, but they sure as heck don’t look like any kind of bullet launcher I’ve ever seen.

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