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10 Forgettable Commandments

Ah, Congress and it’s Republican foolishness. Georgia Rep Lynn Westmoreland co-sponsored a bill requiring the display of the 10 Commandments in the House and Senate. Steven Colbert challenged him to name all 10 and the guy barely managed to paraphrase three. Aren’t you glad these are the people running the country?

Via Milk and Cookies.

One Response to “10 Forgettable Commandments”

  1. markm Says:

    So now you know why the guy wants them on the walls – like an oversized crib sheet!

    Not having sound here, I’m curious about which three he got. IIRC, there are only three a legislator should be concerned with in his official duties: the ones forbidding murder, theft, and perjury. The other 7 concern things that should be none of any American government’s business.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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