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Smart guns: Still a dumb idea

Alphie on Jersey’s smart gun law:

A prototype of a “smart gun”, a gun that can only be fired by its owner, has been developed by a group in New Jersey. Although a commercial version is at least five years away, as soon as one is available New Jersey citizens will be unable to purchase a gun that doesn’t contain personalization technology.

Note that I saw citizens, because cops will be exempt from the law because, after all, they are better than the rest of us.

Rusmeister says:

If this comes to pass, it will set the stage for the biggest gun confiscation (in the form of “retrofit”) in recorded history.

6 Responses to “Smart guns: Still a dumb idea”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Well, when all the poor bastards who live in New Jersey have to sell their guns, they can feel free to send them to this side of the river, where I will happily buy some at a steep discount 😉

  2. bob Says:

    “… they can feel free to send them to this side of the river, where I will happily buy some at a steep discount.”

    Just don’t forget to run that sale thru an FFL holder. Damn government.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    If it isn’t good enough for them (cops etc.) it certainly isn’t good enough for me. I am far more trustworthy and moral than the majority of them. If they are immune from the laws of New Jersey, they should probably bear in mind they are still subject to the laws of physics.

    Places such as New Jersey, Mass, California are going to drive this country into armed conflict if voters don’t wise up. There is a natural distrust of any sonofabitch that gets to make the rules then makes rules he won’t live by. DUH!

  4. _Jon Says:

    But wait! It would be a great boon for cops to be required to use DNA-based firearms. It would free them from the fear of having their weapon taken and used against them. Anyone pushing an exemption from this type of requirement is a loon!

    In fact, the LEO’s should be the *first* to be required to use this technology.
    (Actually, the *only*. There is something about the “…shall not be infringed.” that this seems to run counter to.)

  5. Sebastian Says:


    Maybe if you transplanted a bunch of Texans into New Jersey there would be trouble, but the reason New Jersey has crappy gun laws is that I think most people there like, or at least don’t dislike, crappy gun laws. If you come out in favor of gun rights in New Jersey, you actually seem to lose votes.

  6. #9 Says:

    One of the dumber ideas. If I shell out $800 I want everyone in the family to be able to shoot the damn pistol.

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