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The NY Post:

A second Big Apple gun store swept up in the city’s crackdown on rogue gun dealers had hundreds of firearms returned by police, the store’s lawyer said yesterday.

Cops handed back 234 firearms to the Woodhaven Rifle and Pistol Range in Woodhaven, Queens, after seizing the guns in an undercover sting on May 25. The turnaround came a day after cops returned 247 weapons taken from DF Brothers Sports Center in Brooklyn in the same sting.

Store owner Michael Spallone, 43, was busted for selling guns to an undercover investigator accompanied by a retired female cop who showed a Suffolk County pistol permit. The same investigators were used in the sting against the Brooklyn gun shop.

But Chambers argued the sting operation amounted to nothing more than entrapment.

He said his client followed procedures – initially refusing to sell the gun and insisting the investigators procure required paperwork from Suffolk County police.

The lawyer said that when they returned the next day, the serial number had been transposed on the paperwork, so his client refused to let them leave with the gun.

But Chambers said city lawyers ultimately realized no crime had been committed and decided to return the weapons.

Now, the elipse is interesting and I saved it for the end. Check it:

“This is a law-abiding gun shop. This is not some squirrelly Southern gun dealer trying to make money and is NRA-happy. They only deal with licensees,” said John Chambers, the lawyer for the Woodhaven range.

Err, they’re not trying to make money? And, so far, it seems that not a single one of the Southern gun dealers entrapped by this scheme has broken the law. And there are no licensees in most other states, you twit.

One Response to “Oops”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    Yeah, we’re all barefoot toothless hicks who shoot revenuers and smuggle ‘shine on a daily basis and wouldn’t blink twice at breaking the law to make a little cash.

    And people wonder why the term “damn yankee” came into vogue.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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