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We’ve been saying that for years

Gun laws do not always work:

When Edward Garland approached the town of Bozrah for a license to carry a handgun in 2001, there was little reason to refuse his request.

Garland added handguns to a growing cache of more than a dozen firearms he had amassed in his Bozrah home by the time he shot and killed his neighbor March 23, 2005, in a dispute about the care of his invalid mother.

Garland did not have a criminal background, was never officially committed to a facility because of his mental illness and had completed all the requirements under state law to possess and carry a handgun. He already owned pellet guns and long guns.

Garland’s story shows even in a state where gun laws are considered stringent, and if the process is followed correctly, it’s nearly impossible to prevent every would-be killer from buying guns. Reasons for that include no centralized permitting agency in the state — individual municipalities issue gun permits — and no consideration for mental health, except in the most severe cases.

One Response to “We’ve been saying that for years”

  1. Alcibiades Says:

    Y’know, I’m not sure why anyone’s been worried about the number of guns a person owns. A person can really use only one gun at a time (two if they decide to try using two handguns at once). Owning 20 handguns really wouldn’t make you any more lethal than owning one (although it may provide with backup guns incase one breaks or malfunctions).

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