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Gun Poll

Holding a poll at the Gun Blogs on what the next focus of gun rights activists should be. Head on over to vote and link to the post if you like.

4 Responses to “Gun Poll”

  1. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I live in NYC, so I voted for the national CCW.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    How about an “All the Above” section? =)

    I went with BATF reform, which isn’t as good as abolishment (is that a word?), but worth a try.

  3. beerslurpy Says:

    The 86 ban needs to die already.
    Ditto sporting purposes (this will kill a ton of other stuff as it falls).

    More realistically, I think we should push for:
    -national CCW
    -more ATF reform
    -more stand your ground everywhere we can get it
    -less CCW restrictions in states like OH and NC and TN that have bullshit restrictions

  4. Sebastian Says:

    I had to register my vote for getting rid of the Hugues Amendment, though I put about equal weight to getting rid of the sporting purposes clause.

    The leader, getting the Supreme Court to say the second amendment means what it says, shouldn’t be, but is, risky. At least until we have a more solid majority in favor of the second amendment. Let’s also not forget the lower courts, many of whom are decidedly hostile to the second amendment, probably won’t read it very broadly, and will do their best to minimize the impact of the decision on our gun rights.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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