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More on Ford & Schumer and the Southern Disconnect

Realted to this, R. Neal:

…Howard Dean campaign workers from New England, wearing Birkenstocks and blue jeans and hippie haircuts, are standing in an Iowa living room explaining what is important to rural voters in Iowa and why they should support Dean in the primary. They were talking instead of listening, and lecturing instead of learning. Their attitude seemed condescending and their audience seemed resentful of their presence.

Meanwhile, AC, who is wrong about Schumer, says:

Tennessee will not elect a big “B” in quotation marks “Black” politician. It simply won’t.

Could be.

And this doesn’t help Ford in Tennessee either.

And he’s walking a fine line:

If you are a true liberal, are you not hoppin’ mad that Congressman Ford feels the need to a) pander to the conservative base (what will he do once he’s in the Senate?) and b) pretend that what you feel is important can’t be said in this state? And all this in the quest to get elected.

2 Responses to “More on Ford & Schumer and the Southern Disconnect”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Although the Ford family is to TN what the Kennedy family is to Mass, don’t underestimate Junior (a we call him here on his home turf). He’s got the ear of a lot of centrists, and is going to make a real run at that Senate seat.

    Hopefully the Republican candidate (whoever that will be) will have his act together. I see the ford family antics on a regular basis, and have no desire to see them on a national level.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    If you are a true liberal, are you not hoppin’ mad

    Well, of course. But in backwards Tennessee, the only choices a liberal generally has, when it comes to viable candidates, are “really bad” and “even worse.”

    And for the record, what makes her think Harold Jr. is showing his true colors on Imus, and pandering when he acts moderate? Ford has always been a wishy-washy Democrat in the House, and I expect more of the same in the Senate. If anything, I think his Imus appearance was the true pandering.

    Finally, methinks the Democrats are only the second-worst party when it comes to saying one thing at election time and doing another once elected.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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