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Don’t you hate when you get an instalanche for something you wrote somewhere else?

2 Responses to “Dammit”

  1. Busy Mom Says:

    Not a problem I’ve ever had, or will have. That is, unless he starts talking abou the muffia at soccer practices.

  2. _Jon Says:

    I’ve had it.
    But I don’t do ads and when I write him, I ask him not to link to my under-powered blog.
    He’s quoted me as just a reader, which I appreciate.
    I’d hate to have the commentors and e-mail most mid-to-high bloggers get.

    Even the crap you, SU, puts up with is too much for me. No.Thanks.
    Mostly I wanna share my opinions and get feedback on them.
    I wanna sharpen my arguments and ensure they hold up to scrutiny and other perspectives.
    But I have no tolerance for idiots and “devil’s advocate” morons.

    I know – I’m different than most. That’s fine.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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