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Things that make you go what the fuck were these people thinking, err, hmmm

I’m not making this up but Nagin was re-elected. Yes, that Nagin. I am absolutely dumfounded.

2 Responses to “Things that make you go what the fuck were these people thinking, err, hmmm”

  1. mostly cajun Says:

    It isn’t as strange as it looks…

    The guy who was running against him is from an old-fashioned Louisiana political machine. His daddy was the LAST white mayor of New Orleans, serving in a veritable cloud of corruption. His sister is the senior US senator from Louisiana, elected amid huge controversy over voting “irregularities” in New Orleans that put her over the top.

    Knowledgeable people in New Orleans would vote for Satan over a Landrieu. Nagin, goofy as he is, isn’t a Landrieu.

    The Louisiana open primary system makes usre that no really competent candidate gets to the run-offs. This is what you get. I did a couple of articles on my blog about it…


  2. Adam Lawson Says:

    I live nearby (across the MS border), and I have to say: As shocking as it is, the alternative guy was worse. Landrieu = Corruption.

    However, if Blanco gets re-elected…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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