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Idiot of the Month

This month, this award is presented to Baltimore City Police Officer Natalie Preston for being a total ass.

Via Xrlq.

7 Responses to “Idiot of the Month”

  1. Nylarthotep Says:

    I’ve seen this in a couple of places and I still don’t understand what they did that was illegal. Can you really be arrested for trespassing on a public road?

    I would have thought that the arrested have at least some ability to respond to this harassment. This certainly wasn’t a lawful action on the Police’s part.

  2. markm Says:

    It’s possible that the reporters complaining about this are lying or leaving out something pretty important. We haven’t heard from the officers yet. I know some cops are arrogant b*s and many cops do lie, but if it gets down to two cops’ word against two reporters’, just one group gets the truth muddled every day…

    Police cars should carry video recorders and have them on at all times, so there’s no doubt when accusations like this arise – and I suspect that if the cops knew they were on tape, there’d be a whole lot fewer complaining about their actions.

  3. beerslurpy Says:

    Tee hee. As a former (and never again) resident of baltimore, let me say this doesnt come as a huge surprise. Besides the tourist areas and the colleges, Baltimore is a third world country, with all that implies.

  4. robert Says:

    This kind of nonsense won’t end until idiots like this police officer are stripped of their commissions when caught doing this and lesser offenses.

    I’d bar them from any taxpayer financed job.

    Remember New Orleans? Every one of those folks, local, state, and federal should have had their commissions yanked and been sent packing.

    Law enforcement is a SWORN responsibility to the citizens of the country. Folks like this make a mockery of it.

  5. beerslurpy Says:

    We have a place called jail that serves this purpose nicely. But we need some sort of institutional safeguard against the State favoring its own henchmen. Mandatory minimums for police misconduct? Removing prosecutorial discretion in terms of charging police officers for ceratin offenses?

    The essential problem is (I think) that police are expected to behave in certain anti-social ways towards violent criminals but then turn that behavior mode off like a switch when dealing with ordinary citizens again. Even if they are able to do this successfully (and I think most are), there are still plenty of times where they might mistake an innocent for a criminal and behave in the wrong way. At which point they close ranks and the blue wall kicks in like a forcefield. We need to find some way to disrupt this behavior pattern in such a way that at least the worst offenders are debadged.

  6. robert Says:

    You may have presented this award a little early….I’m reading about a woman Federal Marshal who was driving drunk and ended up shooting it out with the local police. Surely she gets an honorable mention!

  7. anonymous Says:

    Get rid of 99% of the laws. Then we wouldn’t need so many cops. The few cops left wouldn’t need to be assholes.

    I was on a jury a few years ago. We got to witness 2 cops lie on the stand. All 6 of us on the jury voted not guilty because of the lying cops. The perp was guilty as sin, but the cops were arrogant liars and pricks. Honest to god jury nullification. 6 middle aged folks with kids. I was shocked. And humbled. Perhaps there is hope after all?

    Since then I’ve been much more skeptical of the word of cops. And I have much less sympathy when they are wronged.

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