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Another gun hypocrite

Et tu, Brittney?

2 Responses to “Another gun hypocrite”

  1. beerslurpy Says:

    Follow the links and find this:

    Folksinger Peter Yarrow of Peter Paul & Mary believes we need more gun laws. Performing at the 2004 Million Morn March rally urging Congress to renew the federal “assault weapon” ban, Yarrow’s main emphasis in the gun control movement has been to protect children.

    It’s too bad he wasn’t thinking about protecting them when he was convicted of a sex offense for molesting a 14-year-old girl–but perhaps it explains why he wouldn’t want to make it easy for parents to own a gun.

  2. trainer Says:

    Good on her. She was all over the covers in NYC yesterday nearly dropping (for the third time) that unlucky kid of hers. Staggering out with the kid in one arm and a drink in the other…tripping over pants a foot too long. She is EXACTLY the kind of person we need as a voice for the anti-gun groupies.

    Sorta like the troll of the chappaquiddick extolling the virtues of sobriety.

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