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Death by petty regulation


California State Attorney General Bill Lockyer seems to have clued in to the fact that Americans don’t want to ban the private possession of firearms. Unfortunately, instead of being persuaded to find alternate subjects over which to harass the people of his state, he’s turned sneaky. Now, instead of pushing overt bans, he’s touting a trio of bills that would use bureaucracy and petty regulation as vehicles for choking off the sale of firearms.

Read the bill summary, they’re a hoot.

4 Responses to “Death by petty regulation”

  1. Jay G Says:

    …bureaucracy and petty regulation as vehicles for choking off the sale of firearms.

    Welcome to Massa-fucking-chusetts and the Attorney General’s “Approved Firearms Roster” {SPIT}

  2. tkdkerry Says:

    And therein lies the difference between the politician and the statist. The politician will be on our side as long as he’s convinced he needs our votes. The statist believes he’s right no matter what, and will only pay us lip service as he seeks to subordinate us. There used to be another category, called something like ‘statesman’, I think…

  3. Xrlq Says:

    There used to be another category, called something like ‘statesman’, I think…

    We still have that category. It’s just a fancy word for a dead politician.

  4. UNHchabo Says:

    They still sometimes (but not in all cases) exist up here in New Hampshire. If it weren’t for the occasional bad event like Gov. Lynch’s veto of our version of the Castle Doctrine, I’d almost think NH was perfect.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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