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Real Alt-Media Comes to K-Town

With what was basically the death of our former alt-weekly publication (it didn’t really die but became basically not alt at all), comes Knoxville Voice. Knoxville Voice seems to have the old MP crew, in part. We need another voice in Knoxville.

Via R. Neal.

Update: But if they want me to read regularly, let’s see some RSS or other syndication.

3 Responses to “Real Alt-Media Comes to K-Town”

  1. Barry Says:

    So what, exactly, is the definition of “alt” in this context?

    I think to some people in means “liberal”. To others it means “anti-establishment”, whether their particular establishment is national government, local government, big business, the media, whatever. To still others it just means “hip and urban” I guess. Maybe it’s a combination of all three, and more.

    I just hope this paper covers the local theatrical scene better than the other paper(s). Well, if they need a reviewer they can contact me 🙂

  2. Les Jones Says:

    A zine with Noam Chomsky and Jesse Fox Mayshark. Will the fun ever start?

  3. chris Says:

    So what has happened to the MP? I picked up one a few days ago with some hippie farmers on the cover posing ala American Gothic and proclaimed by the MP to be the conservatives’ worst nightmare. Message to MP: We don’t exactly fear hippies who grow their own pot, sing Kumbaya and ride bicycles.

    Is the MP ceasing publication? It wouldn’t exactly break my heart if it does.

    The Knoxville Voice seems like a commie rag. Would they publish a cover story with a nun who wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade? No, just a nun who opposes Bush.

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