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I caught tonight’s South Park episode. A note in the show said Comedy Central refused to air the image of Muhammad. However, they (Comedy Central) had no problem showing Jesus taking a dump on people and wallowing in feces, which I’m sure South Park’s creators knew they would. Now, we’ll see if CC caves to Christian groups who are certain to complain. And, for reference, in the episode Super Best Friends, an image of Muhammad was shown. See:

Now, it could have been a joke and Comedy Central didn’t actually refuse but I doubt it. Barring that, they’re pussies.

Update: And I like how they made fun about the lack of jokes and being all preachy.

6 Responses to “Pussies”

  1. Josh Says:

    I’m pretty sure that was tongue-in-cheek. I think it was more about how political correctness runs rampant than actually showing Muhammed. The whole First Amendment speech by the President to the press corps – “When did your administration come up with this ‘First Amendment’?” – and how you can make fun of everything or nothing. I don’t know. I was pissed at first, then I thought about it about midway thru an angry post.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I’m pretty sure it was a joke. There never was meant to be a Part 2; it was just a dig at CC for having wimped out on re-running the Trapped in the Closet episode.

    Was last night’s episode a re-run? If not, them I’m *certain* there was never supposed to be a Part 2. These guys never have a show ready to go a week before it is scheduled to air.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Oops, I misread your post. Are you saying there was a Part 2 after all, but it didn’t show Mohammed? Even so, I’d like to think this was just a variation on the same joke.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    I’m saying they showed muhammed in an old episode called super best friends.

  5. Manish Says:

    My guess is that if CC has the ability to quash am image of Mohammed, then CC has the ability to quash a note appearing about the incident. As such, I would assume that it was meant to be a joke.

  6. SayUncle » Yup, they’re pussies Says:

    […] In an update to this, looks like Comedy Central did censor Mohammed. […]

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