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NICS for cars!

David Hardy notes that Mohammed Taheri-Aza, the terrorist who drove his car into a crowd, left a note reading:

I would instead use a handgun to murder the citizens and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but the process of receiving a permit for a handgun in this city is highly restricted and out of my reach at present, most likely due to my foreign nationality

Clearly, he didn’t get the memo from the VPC and The Brady Campaign that he could just do a straw purchase or go to the evil gun show loophole where he could have gotten an evil Saturday night special 50 caliber assault sniper weapon rifle handgun automatic semi-automatic bullet hose designed for spray firing from the hip at targets four miles awaytm without any checks or legal obstacles.

8 Responses to “NICS for cars!”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    Can I order my .50 BMG strawpurchace planeslayer assault sniper rifle with one of those evil meanie green laser pointers mounted on it from the factory?

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    It’s true, though, that in NC you can’t purchase a handgun without a little certificate that you get from your County Sheriff. You have to go down to the office, apply for one of these purchase permits, and wait about a week for them to come through. Then you have to give the permit to the seller, one per gun.

    I’m not sure what the criteria are for denying or approving the permit application. Chapel Hill is definitely more “blue state” than average for NC. I don’t know if this affects the handgun purchase permits. I also don’t know if Chapel Hill has any kind of local ordinances restricting handgun ownership.

    Good thing he didn’t go up to New York and purchase one of those illegal handguns that are flooding the city.

  3. Adam Lawson Says:

    Wow, it may not be serious, but that gun sounds sweet… it’s a rifle and a hangun?


    Assault Rifles in Disguise.

  4. Fox Says:

    The problem here is that the anti-gunners will see this as a victory…

  5. jimmyb Says:

    It would have been cooler if one of the students had shot that a-hole in his SUV and claimed self-defense.
    But alas, the gov’t forces many to be unarmed victems…

  6. rpm Says:

    Give me a break. This is about just as effective as claiming self-defense in shooting an erratic driver who kept trying to cut in front of you in a 70 mph lane to prevent a crash. Unless SUV had neon sigh saying “DIE, INFIDEL DOGS!!!” you go down for murder. Good luck proving you had reasonable fear for your life.

  7. dave Says:

    RPM: Quite possible the stupidest analogy I’ve ever heard. Said SUVs would have a right to be on the road, and the guy swerving in the “70 mph lane” would be trying to PREVENT people from dying. In what sort of accident would you have to swerve in front of someone repeatedly? I would think braking would be a better idea than just swerving over and over. I think an Arab driving through a crowd of people (ya know, in a place where vehicles aren’t supposed to be) would cause “reasonable fear” for many people in said crowd. I’m pretty sure “he was running over people” would hold up in court.

  8. rpm Says:

    Ah, but the problem is proving to the court that you identified the driver as a crazed killer or a potential terrorist as opposed to someone who is having an epilepsy or too much to drink! If I saw an SUV driving erratically on campus grounds, I would’ve thought “Theta Phi Alpha boys are having a party again, we should talk to the dean about these assholes”. Seriously, how can you even tell what race the driver is, when your veins are pumped with adrenaline and your heart is racing? You’d have problems even seeing his face.

    Now, if the driver would back up then try to ram more people, then yes, you have enough justification to shoot the asshole. Even though it would’ve probably been just as effective as screaming to everyone “Run!” Cars are much less maneuverable as people, especially in urban surroundings.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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