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Oh, that anti-gun media err TeeVee Show

Marc says:

Law and Order SVU tonight is a farce. Schoolyard shootup leads to a gun store, “Gun Ho” (stupid gun owners) run by racists (stupid racist gun owners) in New York friggin’ City. It continues with this gem: “The long gun loophole, no background check!” Apparently NICS doesn’t apply in New York City. This is the first 30 minutes.

And the guys at arfcom note that it portrays gun owners as irresponsible, mention of sniper rifles, an incorrectly filled out Form 4473, a 16 year old works at a gun shop, and assault weapons with regular capacity magazines line the walls.

3 Responses to “Oh, that anti-gun media err TeeVee Show”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    IIRC, Law and Order (the original one), has long had an anti-gun-owner agenda. At least, that’s what I’ve heard, and therefore had little interest in watching the show or any of its spawn.

  2. Joey the Wolf Says:

    Heh. Stuff like this is why I rarely watch TV anymore. I rather just spend an hour at the range instead of an hour watching enemy propaganda like this…

  3. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Why exactly can’t a 16 year old work in a gun store? As long as he (or she) isn’t selling guns, or maybe ammo, they’re still shelves to stock, floors to sweep, and accessories to be pimped. Double on the cleaning bit if the store has a range.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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