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Holy crap:

North Carolina health officials are investigating the death of a woman who died last week of a flesh-eating bacteria three days after accidentally jamming her hand in a wheelchair while working at a nursing home.

Nursing assistant Sharron Bishop, 44, died Feb. 27. A doctor said a rare flesh-eating bacteria may have entered her body through a thumb injury and she turned from healthy to fatally ill.

The culprit was a rare invasive form of group A streptococcal bacteria, said Debbie Crane, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Health and Human Services. The noninvasive form is widespread and is commonly known for causing strep throat, she said.

Ok, nature, you’re weirding me out.

Via thegirl.

3 Responses to “Scary”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    About ten years ago, a friend of mine got the flesh-eating strep. She was several weeks in the hospital, and lost half of one of her breasts to it. (They took half the other one to even things out.) It’s nasty, nasty stuff, and worse, it’s highly resistant to antibiotics.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    If that freaks you out, read this.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I saw that. I met Grey Wolf a couple of times when he was local. Once at the range and once when I bought some stuff from him. Glad he’s doing will in FL.

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