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Frist on blogs


From the earliest days of our republic, freedom of speech and freedom of the press – be they anonymous pamphlets, celebrated essays, or local newspapers – were understood to be fundamental to the practice and defense of liberty.

Without the ability to convey ideas, debate, dispute, and persuade, we may never have fought for and achieved our independence.

Ordinary citizens – farmers, ministers, local shop owners – published and circulated their views, often anonymously, to challenge the conventional order, and call their fellow citizens to action.

Indeed, as Boston University journalism professor Chris Daly points out, “What we think of as reporting – the pursuit, on a full time basis of verifiable facts and verbatim quotations – was not a significant part of journalism in the time of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine… In historical terms, today’s bloggers are much closer in spirit to the Revolutionary-era pamphleteers.”

And, today, it’s bloggers whom we now have to protect.

There are some who, out of fear or shortsightedness, wish to restrict the ability of our modern day-Thomas Paines to express political views on the World Wide Web.

They seek to monitor and regulate political speech under the guise of “campaign finance reform.” They argue that unfettered political expression on the Internet is dangerous, especially during the highly charged, election season.

Needless to say, I stand firmly against these efforts to hamstring the Internet and squarely with the champions of free speech – whether that expression takes place in the actual, or virtual, town square.

I’ve never been a huge fan of Frist. Sure, he was right on guns during the AWB hearings but he’s done some pretty embarassing things. But, since he gets blogging, I like him a bit more.

3 Responses to “Frist on blogs”

  1. Captain Holly Says:

    I’m not so sure he “gets” blogging as much as he “gets” the political influence of Instapundit.

  2. robert Says:

    Nice job, Frist. Where the hell were you during the Campaign Finance obscenity?

  3. Lyle Says:

    “They seek to monitor and regulate political speech under the guise of “campaign finance reform.””

    This was predicted, by the way, but all those who wanted to “get the money out of politics” were blinded to it. (support from bloggers is worth “money”. Leaflets cost “money”. Get it yet?)

    And thank you, John McCain, for being at the forefront in the fight against our Constitutional liberties. A pox on you and the ignorant dupes who support you (imagine my finger in your face, inserted here).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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