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I admire his gumption


After Nashville motorist T. Allen Morgan got a speeding ticket in Coopertown — a town known for its heavy-handed traffic enforcement — he tried to pay his ticket like a good citizen.

But he added a little note on his check which angered Mayor Danny Crosby. The mayor refused to accept the check, sparking the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to launch an investigation Monday.

Crosby told Morgan that he had to either write another check that didn’t have the words “for speed trap” written in bold letters or face the charges in traffic court.

At the request of District Attorney General John Carney, the TBI is investigating if Crosby acted illegally by denying Morgan’s payment, TBI spokeswoman Jennifer Johnson said.

“As mayor of this city, if I accept that check from that gentleman, I’m admitting we run a speed trap, and that’s a bald-faced lie,” Crosby said Tuesday.

6 Responses to “I admire his gumption”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    IIRC, accepting a speeding ticket isn’t an admission of guilt, so why would accepting that check be an admission of running a speed trap?

  2. Marc Says:

    Mayor Danny Crosby is an ass with a speed trap. The power of my written words make it so, hehehe. What an idiot.

    So if I write “paid in full” on my mortgage check and the mortgage company accepts it I don’t owe them any more money?

  3. bob reynolds Says:

    Leaving aside whether the mayor is an ass, he does not have any obligation to accept a check from anyone. The state (and local) government can make only gold or silver coin a “legal tender” and the feds have declared (in violation of the u.S. Constitution) that Federal Reserve “Notes” (FRNs) are legal tender. As things stand the only offer that cannot be refused is an offer of FRNs or u.S. coins; if they refuse the FRNs or the coinage they lose claim to the debt. Absent a contract, nobody is obligated to accept a check and a check is NOT a offer (tender) to pay any debt.

  4. robert Says:

    I don’t think there is a municipal police force in the country that isn’t used as a revenue source by the city government. If so, It would be the rare exception.

    Police don’t “Protect and Serve” anymore. They enhance revenue and keep folks in line, except for the 12 million illegals. Those they cut loose.

  5. OldeForce Says:

    Careful what you write on any check you send to the IRS. They can, almost literally, have your butt for “inappropriate comments” – as defined by, you guessed it, the IRS.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    I take it then, that making one’s check out to the “Infernal Revenue Disservice” would be a bad idea?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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