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Not sure it’s a good idea

Word is the new PATRIOT Act contains a provision that the head of the ATF must be approved by Congress. Haven’t gotten any confirmation yet. Anyone know?

6 Responses to “Not sure it’s a good idea”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    can’t find it on Thomas:

    It might take a few days for it to show up on the website (although why in the age of digital ink and bills that no one reads before passing, it can’t be available immediately after it has been recorded as passed and sent to the president, I have no idea).

  2. _Jon Says:

    Two points:
    – It makes sense. Section 8 of Article 1 (I think) says that all ‘officers’ must be appointed by the President. That’s why the Sarbanes/Oxley law is about to get kicked to the curb – the board that runs it is appointed by the SEC, not the PoTUS, which is a no-no.

    – I’m for it. Someone at that place needs to be held responsible.

  3. Publicola Says:

    Of Arms & Law had a post on this a few days ago.

    Personally I’d feel better if the head of the ATFU was appointed by GOA or JPFO.

  4. Marc Says:

    I 2nd Publicola, or appoint Jeffrey Snider for life.

  5. Civis Proeliator Says:

    BATFU should be required to go back to being the revenuers they were before being allowed to violate our rights. If they wish extra duties, perhaps they could be lent to the border patrol to help stop the flow of illegals into this country.

  6. _Jon Says:

    Yeah, I talked to some folks about this – after Prohibition ended, they needed to do something with the budget and agents. No one willingly gives up budget.

    And here we are today…

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