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Maximum Overdrive


IN BRIEF: Teen dies when SUV runs over go-cart

A young Nashville man has been killed when a sport utility vehicle ran over his go-cart.

Police say 19-year-old Michael Robinson pulled from a side road into the path of a Ford Expedition yesterday afternoon. The big vehicle ran over the cart and dragged it about 50 feet.

No charges are anticipated against the driver.

Only in the last sentence is it mentioned that this potentially sentient SUV is actually not acting of its own volition. Meanwhile, the golf cart is not the subject of such ire.

8 Responses to “Maximum Overdrive”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    Alternate headline:

    “Teen Dies While Driving Go-Cart in Traffic”

  2. Xrlq Says:

    At least they’re still calling them SUVs rather than, say, “death cars.” Give it a few more years.

  3. markm Says:

    Les: “Young Man Who is Old Enough to Know Better Dies While Recklessly Driving Go-Cart in Traffic.” It sounds like the go-cart driver failed to yield, a 19 year old is no child, and of course no one, child or adult, should be driving a non-street-legal vehicle in traffic

  4. markm Says:

    On second thought, the headline should have been: “19 year old man earns Darwin Award.”

  5. ben Says:

    Golf cart?

  6. Lyle Says:

    Hint to moonbat left; Start calling SUVs “assault vehicles”. Some of them even have fully automatic transmissions (capable of shifting into more than one gear with a single press of the accelerator pedal) high capacity fuel tanks, sound supressors, “stealth” paint jobs, and are capable of being driven in excess of any American speed limits. Many of them are “of particular interest to criminals” and the manufacturers are doing virtually nothing to keep these vehicles out of the hands of criminals or wrekless drivers. Nor are the manufacturers being held liable for the public expense of all the death and injury they cause. It’s a crying shame. You could send “straw purchasers” into dealerships and attampt to buy an SUV for someone who has no driver’s license – it’s not illegal, but it would make good TV. Then go into a big city emergency room with your cameras and show us all the blood and suffering caused by SUV traffic accidents. Get Ralph Nader and Algore involved, and have Joan Baez sing “How many times must a child die in pain, before weee ban SUVs…?” Then get stoned and do it again.

  7. power5483 Says:

    Lyle Says: Hint to moonbat left

    Left to idiot. Pfffftttt…..

  8. Lyle Says:

    I’m sorry, did I mention some left wing tactic that has NOT been tried as a means of smearing and vilifying other capitalist industries? If so, I am willing to stand corrected, once my error is identified. You can “Pffffftt” all you like. Throw feces, even. I stand by every word, and I can back up what I say with historical accounts. I the end, I will be advocating Liberty, and the left will be advocating it’s diametric opposite – socialism. It’s my job as an advocate of Liberty to help defeat them, by pointing out the clinical insanity and dishonesty of the left.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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