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SF Gun Ban

Looks like support for the voter passed ban is scarce among others:

On Thursday morning, a lawyer with the city attorney’s office will try to convince a judge that a voter-passed initiative banning handguns and restricting other firearms is allowed by state law.

But save the four members of the Board of Supervisors who placed it on the ballot last November, the ordinance appears to have few prominent friends, even among national gun control advocates.

Mayor Gavin Newsom all but disowned it just before Election Day. State Attorney General Bill Lockyer and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, strong advocates of assault-weapons bans, have taken no position on the San Francisco law. Of four national gun control groups, only one, which is based here, has submitted a friend-of-the-court brief supporting it.

Meanwhile, national and state gun rights organizations, along with groups representing movie industry armorers and San Francisco police officers, have jumped into the fray, offering briefs to overturn the law.

One Response to “SF Gun Ban”

  1. Porta's Cat Says:

    Uncle, this is a terrible way to do this, but I have no email addy for you.

    How does one get included on the Truth Laid Bear Gun Blog list?

    I am a TLB “member”.

    Feel free to email me back and delete this here, obviously…..

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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