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Maryland AWB

There’s another push in Maryland for a ban on weapons that look like assault rifles. Pro Gun Progressive was at the press conference and got to ask some questions.

4 Responses to “Maryland AWB”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    Am I the only other person on the planet that can’t get to load in my browser? I can’t ever get there if I use lynx or wget. I CAN see the site if I use an anonymous proxy (which is super weird) . I’ve even swapped out my “user agent” string to make it look like I’m using IE from a MS Windows XP PC. That seems to imply I am either banned by the site (unlikely) or banned by my ISP.

    I’m going to have to try this site from another PC elsewhere.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I see it just fine in Firefox and IE.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    Not likely that you’re banned from my site, I’m not fancy enough for that. I dunno why it won’t load for you. Try loading it via firefox, it should come up. I’m using a fairly generic blog software an online buddy set up for me, so there’s no black magic.

    Thanks for checking out my site! We’re fighting the good fight here.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    It’s funny, I am using Firefox. I also tried Firefox masquerading as IE. I tried Konqueror and lynx too. I also booted a completely different operating system, just to check if there’s something fishy going on. I’m sure you are not banning me, and it sounds like it’s just me, so all I can see is that perhaps it’s my ISP that’s banning you.

    I’ll check into it and let you know if there’s any dirt.

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