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If Ayn Rand Wrote Your Corporate Mission Statement

It might read something like this:

There are 10 primary values at BB&T…

1. Reality (Fact-Based)
What is, is. If we want to be better, we must act within the context of reality (the facts). Businesses and individuals often make serious mistakes by making decisions based on what they “wish was so,” or based on theories which are disconnected from reality. The foundation for quality decision making is a careful understanding of the facts.

2. Reason (Objectivity)
Mankind has a specific means of survival, which is his ability to think, i.e., his capacity to reason logically from the facts of reality as presented to his five senses. A lion has claws to hunt. A deer has swiftness to avoid the hunter. Man has his ability to think. There is only one “natural resource” – the human mind.

Via Uncommon Sense.

5 Responses to “If Ayn Rand Wrote Your Corporate Mission Statement”

  1. R. Neal Says:

    I can’t believe somebody got paid to write that.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Businesses and individuals often make serious mistakes by making decisions based on … theories which are disconnected from reality.

    You mean like those of Ayn Rand? 🙂

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I can’t believe somebody got paid to write that.

    They probably did like every other HR department and Googled something up 😉

  4. Homer Says:

    Don’t forget that BB&T doesn’t allow guns in their Virginia branches, either for customers with CWP, or open carry in accordance with Virginia law.

    As for the mission statement stuff, while it’s not a true mission statement, I’m not sure anyone’s done too much better than IBM’s 7 Business Conduct Guildeines. Mission statements are what happens when you give the HR types word processing software.

  5. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Actually, I thought Rand was opposed to corporations as they encourage free-loading. The only just companies were single proprietorships or partnerships.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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