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Behind my property is a farm. This farmer has some beef cattle. Right now, one of those cows is giving birth. In the event you’ve never heard the sound a cow makes while giving birth, consider yourself lucky.

4 Responses to “The Cow Says: OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP”

  1. Bruce Says:

    Try listening to raccoons f***ing under your cabin.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    I’ve actually helped birth a calf. Had my arm in that cow up the elbow.

  3. homebru Says:

    Rancher and his very small son were driving through a remote pasture when they came across a cow giving birth. The cow was having problems so the rancher stopped, told the son to stay in the pickup, and lent a hand to the process.

    After the calf was safely delivered, the rancher returned to the pickup, and, while cleaning himself off, had the thought that his son had likely never seen a birth before.

    “You got any questions about what you jest seen?”, asked the rancher.

    “Jest one”, said the son. “How fast was that calf goin’ when it hit the cow?”

  4. Jay G Says:

    Try friggin’ loons on the lake at 5:30 AM… when all you’ve got is a flimsy piece of canvas for sound-proofing…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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