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Keepin’ ’em clean

Jay has a post on gun cleaning. Check it out. By the way, I am convinced that whoever invented the Boresnake needs a Nobel prize or something.

3 Responses to “Keepin’ ’em clean”

  1. ben Says:

    Like, where’s the link?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Doh. Fixed.

  3. Addison Says:

    Boresnakes: Not just for guns anymore!

    Helped a friend out at the airport last night, he’s overhauling an engine, and there was some crud still left in part of the oil passage after they sandblasted the sump, despite many attempts to wash it out with the partswasher, or blast it out with air.

    And it was in a L-shape. Hang on, says I, and away to my truck I did spring. I’d bought a .45 bore snake and forgotten to take it in. One pass later, and crud is gone. 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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