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WordPress 2.0

Worth the upgrade or not?

6 Responses to “WordPress 2.0”

  1. j.d. Says:

    Worth it if you don’t have a lot of goofy plugins. Most of the popular ones will be supported, but you’ll want to deactivate them before the upgrade just to be sure. I have about a dozen installed and the upgrade only broke one.

    First thing you should do is turn off the WYSIWYG editor, which is an option in your user profile. Otherwise, I really like the interface better.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I mostly like 2.0, but it screwed up my permalinks.

  3. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I’m happy with whatever I have now. If some killer feature arises, I might go to the trouble. Or scrap it in favor of something else. Who knows.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    under Control Panel>>Manage>>Spam Karma2 you will note te following news;

    Spam Karma 2.1 is in final beta stage (currently beta 4). Unless any bug comes up, you can expect a final release by next week.

    SK2.1b now also fixes compatibility issues with WordPress 2.0. If you insist on using this version of WordPress, you should either download the beta or at least use the SK2-WP2Compatibility plugin. Of course, sticking with WP 1.5 and SK2 works fine too….

    on that basis, I’m waiting a bit.

  5. jed Says:

    My buddy Zonker just posted a review of WP 2.0 over at NewsForge. He’s using it, and likes it quite a lot. He also e-mailed to say that the Akismet anti-spam plugin seemed to be doing a great job for him.

    One of these days, I’m going to move to WordPress. I dread the conversion process, but pMachine is getting a bit long in the tooth.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Thanks jed. Looks like when they get the spam plugin updated, I may do it.

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