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You might be a gun nut if

I’m sorry, I realize HL is showing off his sweet looking Garand. But I just can’t get over the fact he has a camouflaged couch.

4 Responses to “You might be a gun nut if”

  1. robert Says:

    That looks like a camo poncho liner to me. Pretty common and about 20 bucks used at an Army Store near a base.

    I wish folks would take BETTER gun photos. Nice that he has one though and my girlfriend is always amused to see her photo holding a Garand on the Gun Blog link photo.

  2. T Says:

    Nah, he just laid his poncho liner out on top of the couch. He’s still active-duty, so he needs a poncho liner. Hell, I’ve been off active duty for better than 10 years and I still keep mine handy.

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Poncho liners rule!

    Nice gun too. Wonder if my carbine will grow up to be one if I start feeding it more red meat.

  4. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    It is indeed a poncho liner (aka ‘cho liner, aka woobie) on a couch in a motel room where I was staying while TDY.

    I would have done a better photo, if I had a better camera and better lights available. Motel room lighting sucks.

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