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Is it just me . . .

or is Jeanine Pirro, who may be ending her Senate run against H. Clinton, kind of a babe?

Update: It is apparently just me.

20 Responses to “Is it just me . . .”

  1. Wince Says:

    It may not be just you, but it isn’t you and me.


  2. Mike Says:

    It’s just you. You need to get out more, me’thinks…

  3. SayUncle Says:

    So, the consensus is it’s just me. Oh well.

  4. Captain Holly Says:

    20 years ago, she might have been.

  5. countertop Says:

    Looks good to me.

    For a current Congressional Hottie – and a Dem ta boot – check out Kristin Herseth

  6. Lyle Says:

    Compared to Reno, Elders and Albright, she is a goddess.

  7. countertop Says:

    Plus, she is pro gun which you ain’t gonna find in any Senator from NY – R or D.

    Guns are a part of South
    Dakota and I will continue to fight to protect the rights of responsible
    gun owners in our state.

  8. countertop Says:

    ANd, might I add that anyone who annoys Kevin Drum (or even his guest posters) has got to be pretty good!

  9. Les Jones Says:

    Uncle, what did I tell you about drinking during the day? Beer goggles are hell at 2:00 PM.

    Nah, she looks pretty good, just maybe not noteworthy, which is why you’re getting all the grief.

  10. SayUncle Says:

    Not beer goggles. Not sure what it is about her but she don’t look bad.

  11. tgirsch Says:

    I can’t see ever describing this as “kind of a babe.” Although I loved her anti-Hillary rant they showed on the Daily Show…

  12. Chris Says:

    It’s just you, amigo.

    I ain’t having any part of her.

  13. Xrlq Says:

    Definitely a non-babe.

  14. robert Says:

    She’s cute, but now she’s called off the race against the Hildabeast.

  15. Jay G Says:

    Don’t look at me, Unc. I think this female politician is the shiznit…

  16. Manish Says:

    Sorry to say it, but even Hillary is hotter than her.

  17. #9 Says:

    Sorry to say it, but even Hillary is hotter than her.

    You are on drugs, or pulling our leg.

    I see it. I vote Pirro. On both counts.

  18. Les Jones Says:

    Holy $h!+, Manish! You think Hillary Clinton is hotter than Jeanine Pirro? If Uncle has beer goggles, you’ve got beer corneas. 🙂

  19. Drake Says:

    Jeanine is a goddess in comparison to Hillary…still I think she is about 20 years too late.

  20. tgirsch Says:

    I can’t even believe we’re having this discussion. If I have a choice between Hillary and Pirro, I’ll vote for my right hand, thank you very much. I suppose a thread on hottie politicos would be a good thing, especially this close for a weekend, but I honestly can’t think of ANY hot politicians off the top of my head.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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