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Citizens fighting terror?


For the first time in America, the Governor’s Office Of Homeland Security is training a select group of people from Knoxville on how to better track terrorist activity.

With help from the Department of Homeland Security, the state office is teaching civilians how to use a terror tracking program, called the Homeland Security Information Network. It’s terror training for the average citizen.

Under close watch from the Department of Homeland Security, a select group of civilians, nominated by Knoxville police, are learning how to better track terrorist activity.


If a citizen terror tracker sees something out of the ordinary, they can log on to the network and fill out a secure online document. Then a link is established with local and federal law enforcement agencies across the United States.

Exactly what are they seeing? I’m not sure I like the idea of regular folks tracking regular folks. Anyone have anymore details on this? Seems rather Big Brotherish to me.

5 Responses to “Citizens fighting terror?”

  1. Blake Says:

    Sounds like TIPS.

  2. cube Says:

    I remember reading a post from one of the texican tattler guys about how he saw a group of men under an overpass who gave him a stragne vibe. I think he was able to get in touch with the FBI. If people are watching stuff like that, i think it is a good idea.

  3. Justin Says:

    If people are watching stuff like that, i think it is a good idea.

    yeah…its called 911 or flip to the front of your phone book to call the local FBI office. Thats all we need more “citizen” soldiers/Gestapo informants. Maybe they can send special emails using their secure systems to have the NSA spy on me because I gave my neighbor the middle finger when his dog shits in my front yard. I NEVER thought I would say this but I will be voting Democrat in the next election (any election..local/state/fed). This administration is turning our country into East Germany of the 1960’s.

  4. Blounttruth Says:

    I am actually for this. As long as they are trained to locate terrorists and identify terrorist behavior then more power to them. When they start the citizens against drugs, littering, speeding, cursing, smoking, or any other task force, that’s when everyone will become a suspect and possibly be an excuse for law enforcement to claim probable cause.

    As for EVERYTHING else the administration has done I totally disagree with. I voted Libertarian, and since that is just as important as not voting at all I pulled for Bush. The only way I would make that mistake twice is if they had a bigger ass than Kerry running against him.

    What is funny is that as American citizens we allow the presidential debates to be scripted and practiced. This baffles me, and is why I will never vote Democrat or Republican but cast my vote for Libertarians, and one day I may look back and think that I took part in saving this country from Communism. People jump on me for throwing my vote away to a libertarian, and I just tell them that instead of watching the debates, why not watch an episode of the guiding light, or WWF smack down and then decide who they will choose for the leader of the free world, the same type of acting practices apply to all three.


  5. Justin Says:

    When they start the citizens against drugs, littering, speeding, cursing, smoking, or any other task force, that’s when everyone will become a suspect and possibly be an excuse for law enforcement to claim probable cause.

    when has .gov actually drawn a line in the sand and stopped something they started? Give the fuckers an inch and they will take a mile.

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