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Smoking foes try to stop parents from lighting up

Mark Twain once said, “Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits”.

He hit the nail on the head didn’t he? Today we learn that well-meaning totalitarian type folks have decided that you should not be allowed to smoke a cigarette in your own home if you have children. Soon other well-meaning totalitarian type folks will decide that you shouldn’t smoke anywhere.

You may remember that back in 1920 some well-meaning totalitarian type folks decided that people shouldn’t drink alcohol. That went over well. The day smoking is prohibited is the day to buy stock in organized crime. Here is a novel idea, if you don’t want to smoke then don’t.

First it will be smoking in your own home. Then what? Will well-meaning totalitarian type folks decide that you really shouldn’t have that piece of chocolate cake for desert? I am sure there will be good reasons for these intrusions. “For the children” or “to combat the growing obesity epidemic” or “to keep insurance rates affordable for less fortunate people”. Just say no to well-meaning totalitarian type folks.

God help us from those trying to save us. The world would be a better place if people would mind their own business. Since that is not going to happen you will need to stand up for your rights. If you elect not to you may lose those rights.

8 Responses to “Smoking foes try to stop parents from lighting up”

  1. #9 Says:

    Don’t like website registration. Try Bugme Not.

  2. _Jon Says:

    The only reason they have a leg to stand on is they can point to the rising insurance rates.
    Those rates go up because smokers have higher medical bills.

    Two points:
    1. It has not been shown that second-hand smoke causes medical problems. There have been various studies and the latest show no *causal* link.

    2. If we didn’t have *SOCIALIZED MEDICINE* in the form of our current medical insurance industry, then one person’s personal choices wouldn’t have an effect on others. Then this whole issue of what an individual does would be moot.


  3. Blounttruth Says:

    How soon we are to forget the folks down on the little tropical island who are dieing of cancer due to our military testing on their tropical paradise. Also how the cancer rate has skyrocketed over the last 50 years due to coal fire plants being held to little pollution regulations.

    We of all people should know Tennessee has very poor air quality from all the legal things that give others cancer. It is just another thing for the non’s to bitch about. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you don’t like my camel smoke, well guess what, your wife’s perfume would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon, but I am not going to city council to have her and all others de-fumigated.

    Please support your non Muslim Camel smokers for freedom….



  4. Drunken Sailor Says:

    They’ve already started on the chocolate cake. I’ve seen a commercial that shows a woman being very alert going to her car and putting on her seatbelt. Next scene she’s on the couch eating a piece of chocolate cake, watching TV. They zoom on the cake and flash the message that you overlook the more dangerous risks.

    It’s okay, just drink your cool-aid and be a good communist. Not!

    Letting them harass the smokers is like paying a blackmailer. They just keep coming back wanting more until you have nothing.

  5. Sandy Ford Says:

    Not bad for the land of the free. It’s like the Brit asked, “Well, how do you like taxation with representation?”

  6. Erik Says:

    Please, won’t you think of the children?

    My wife and I no longer smoke in our home, we made the decision for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which was our one year old daughter. I’d like to emphasize that for a second, WE made that decision, for ourselves about ourselves.

    I think it’s time we took this path ourselves, force the do-gooders to own handguns, legislate it, prosecute those who fail to comply. Force them to smoke, inside, once an hour. For their own good.

  7. Erik Says:

    Ok, my apologies for a more than incoherent comment above, these night shifts are killing me.

    My suggestion is that we take those that seem to spend so much of their time forcing the rest of us to live, cleaner, safer, healthier and start forcing rules upon them that they would find abhorent. A little turnaround is fair play.

    I would be willing to bet, these same people would be the first in line screaming about their right to conduct themselves as they see fit, and that others have no right to dictate how they live their lives.

  8. #9 Says:

    Erik, I think you have a good idea.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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