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Gun pics

Coal Creek Armory has a lot of new gun porn up. And the stuff is for sale.

3 Responses to “Gun pics”

  1. Justin Says:

    whats with the homeland security etching and the bar code on the Sig Sauer P229 HS
    LIMITED EDITION? Can you remove the bar code?

  2. Jay G Says:

    Y’know, sometimes it’s a GOOD thing I live in MA.

    If I were actually able to BUY all those neat guns it’d really put a strain on my pocketbook, not to mention my marriage…

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Justin, not sure. Kinda neat though, like all those regular capacity magazines I have that have Law Enforcement/Military Use Only written on them.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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