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Dead man voting

In Tennessee, the dead have risen from the grave to vote for Ophelia Ford:

Election records of a September special election that put Ophelia Ford in a state Senate seat show that someone may have used the name of a man who had been dead for six weeks to vote.

Ford, a Democrat, beat Republican challenger Terry Roland by 13 votes in a race in which 8,750 ballots were cast. The election was to replace Ford’s brother John Ford, who resigned in May after being indicted on bribery charges.

A razor thin margin and dead people voting. Why, if this keeps up, I’ll lose faith in our Democracy.

4 Responses to “Dead man voting”

  1. R. Neal Says:

    Did they say who the dead guy voted for? Maybe Roland was short 14 dead people….

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Strangely, they did not. Good point.

  3. Les Jones Says:

    They may not know yet who he voted for. They’re probably just going through voter registrations to see who voted, then seeing if those folks were felons, deceased, or improperly registered. The voter registration shows if you voted, but not who you voted for.

  4. R. Neal Says:

    “They may not know yet who he voted for.”

    Hopefully, they never will. The secret ballot is one of our few remaining vestiges of democracy.

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