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Something you don’t see every day

In the UK where semi-automatics are pretty much regulated out of existence, gun manufacturers are getting creative. Behold, the lever action AR-15. No, really. Oh, and it’s in 30 Carbine.

4 Responses to “Something you don’t see every day”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    What we need to do is offer political asylum to every brit, kiwi, and aussie or kanuck (or other country, I’d offer this to Mikhail Kalashnikov in a New York minute) that can prove he owned a semi-auto that got grabbed by their overly thuggy government. Green card right away, streamlined citizenship in three years if they have a job and pass the citizen test, prohibition for any government handout for the next ten. Basically we offer free citizenship to any self-reliant, hard working person that had their gun rights violated. Once we get them here, and they understand their inalienable rights, they will never be disarmed again.

    That pump AR makes my stomach turn. Fucking bend over backwards and bring your own lube to appease the fucking overlords.

    Hey, do I have to remind everyone that Clinton opened the flood-gates during his term?

  2. Justin Says:

    (putting on my tin foil hat)

    Someday in the future a terror attack/flu pandemic/meteor strike ((or even a hurricane that floods an entire city resulting looting et al ha!)) will take place and result in a little anarchy for a couple of weeks. it should be interesting to see what happens in future conceal carry/gun restriction laws…

  3. Marc Says:

    If you chamber it in .45 Colt can you use it in Cowboy Action Shooting? 😉

  4. Drake Says:

    Cats and dogs living together…mass hysteria!

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