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Outing anonymous bloggers

What he said.

10 Responses to “Outing anonymous bloggers”

  1. #9 Says:

    Pesky anonymous bloggers, will they ever learn?

    I just watched this:

    From this site:

    Sharon is Tennessee’s answer to Michael Moore.

    The most interesting thing about Sharon is that she was married to Randall Tex Cobb.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Dude from Raising Arizona? No shit?

  3. #9 Says:

    It’s a fact.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Well, she should have adopted the name Tex 😉

  5. Joe P. Says:

    Those back and forth posts between Cobb and the rest of the Nashville gang were much fun to read!!

    BIG NEWS? Please. Last time i noted Cobb and Hobbs use that phrase it meant Shameless Self-Promotion.

  6. #9 Says:

    BIG NEWS? Please. Last time i noted Cobb and Hobbs use that phrase it meant Shameless Self-Promotion.

    I asked Sharon three times on three blogs even if she was correct why this was “BIG news”. No response. You will notice that Bill Hobbs backed off the “Big news” idea real quick.

    I have found the ethics and research of several anonymous bloggers to be superior to those of lofty “journalists”.

    I guess “journalists” do not see any need to response to pesky anonymous bloggers. Except of course to try and get them fired from their day job.

    If you have a half an hour to kill watch her Michael Moore copycat attempt on Tenncare. It is riveting. If you like narcissism.

  7. Les Says:

    “If you like narcissism.”

    Sharon Cobb*, narcissistic? Say it ain’t so!

    The Nashville blogger who, by the way, used to be an investigative journalist.

  8. Drake Says:

    She married Tex? Go figure.

  9. #9 Says:

    I don’t think she would mind if we call her Sharon Tex Cobb. Maybe? OK, bad idea.

  10. David Codrea Says:

    I fully support the right to opine anonymously in the grand tradition of Publius. That said, IF “Hitman” is using taxpayer resources (i.e., “plunder”) to blog, he shouldn’t.

    If he’s an employee, he’s being paid to do a job. Any assets on the premises are there to do a job.

    Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for someone else’s proseletyzing. If it was a Million Mom Marcher using tax-funded time and resources to promote anti-gun activism, I don’t think the views would be so tolerant and supportive–and they shouldn’t be–for anyone.

    It’s no different in principle than this:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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