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I really dig The Colbert Report. Colbert, as usual, is hysterical. The premise of the show is that Colbert parodies conservative news hosts (specifically, he’s parodying Bill O’Reilly). The sad part is that he, who has professed to identifying with Democrats in the past, is a more convincing conservative than, well, a lot of real conservatives. Last night (well, OK, the night before – Damn you, TiVo), for example, on the establishment clause he said something to the effect of it was to keep the government out of churches and not churches out of government. Classic conservative stuff and he delivered it convincingly (and, no, this is not SayUncle endorsing this view).

But many people didn’t quite get the schtick. Namely some bloggers, I’d guess. So, that same episode, Colbert did a bit to inform his audience that we was ‘playing a character’ and not to confuse the character he plays with, well, him. He prefaced it by stating some bloggers intercepted a satellite feed. Stupid bloggers.

2 Responses to “Truthiness”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    The whole “bloggers intercepted a feed” thing was also a joke. I think the whole “bloggers ran with it” thing was completely fabricated for the sake of the joke. And the character he did was a highly offensive chinese charicature (think 1930’s Charlie Chan movies), having nothing to do with the establishment thing.

    But you’re right, the show is very good. The bit where he spliced together the white house press corps and T.O.’s agent was brilliant.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I didn’t mean to say it had anything to do with the establishment thing. He used the Chinese caricature to emphasize he was playing a character. At least, my interpretation is him addressing he’s not really the o’reilly type he does on the show. And I realize it was a joke.

    Poor wording on my part.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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