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TDS Funny

Last night (or night before, I’m not sure. Damn you, TiVo) The Daily Show pulled a funny. It had a few Senators with Ds after their name all stating that Alito was out of the mainstream. Then Jon Stewart said something to the effect of:

Out of the mainstream? As if they were a political party that was in the minority in Congress and didn’t have the presidency.

Heh. Even better, the audience kind of hissed and Stewart quipped: Not so funny when it’s your guy, eh?

9 Responses to “TDS Funny”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Have they been less mean lately? I stopped watching about December because they got bitter and mean, but if they are past that, I might start watching again. I caught some Colbert Report the other day, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as the Daily Show had been.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Been hit or miss. They still get stupid on occassion (for example, repeating the lefty lies about Alito). However, their Katrina coverage was good.

    You, complaining about bitter and mean? Puuhhlleeeasse.

  3. J. J. Horner Says:

    I’ve always thought Stewart was a little loose with the facts just to make jokes. Making jokes about the truth is so easy, why does he have to rely on inaccurate information for his jokes?

  4. tgirsch Says:

    Actually, he said “It hurts when it’s your guy.” It was the night before last, and yeah, it was funny. Kudos, actually for ridiculing the Democrats for doing what they (TDS) always ridicule the Republicans for doing.

    As to the “loose with the facts” stuff, lighten up, it’s comedy. In any case, they ridicule this stuff wherever they see it. I remember them ridiculing the NARAL ad against Roberts, too, so it’s not that they only pick on the right. Just mostly the right. And that’s because, being in control of pretty much everything, the right gets a lot more opportunity to do stupid stuff that gets them ridiculed. As Stewart put it, you don’t pick on the Washington Generals, you pick on the Harlem Globetrotters: you pick on #1.

    As for the bitter and mean, I’ve found that if I skip or ignore the Samantha Bee stuff and the stuff the Corddrys do, it’s a much better show. More Lewis Black would be good, though…

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, Samantha Bee is not funny. I like Rob Corddry but the new Corddry sucks ass. I do miss Craig Kilborn, Beth Littleford, and A. Whitney Brown (who still hopes to be The Whitney Brown).

  6. Lee Says:

    They lean left and attack Republican more often than Democrats, and I can live with that, especially when they are being clever about it.

    However, I have a real problem when they ridicule regular people in their longer “news stories.” Politicans and outspoken activists are fair game, and get what they deserve. But attacking regular people who may be doing something silly/stupid, and who are not culturally savvy enough to realize what they are getting into by doing an interview with the Daily Show, they don’t deserve it.

    Its merely picking on an easy target for laughs and ratings.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    Rob Corddry is hit or miss with me. His piece on gas prices (they just replayed it last night, but it’s from a while ago) was brilliant, but a lot of his other stuff is terrible. And he did a pretty lousy job trying to replace Colbert on “This Week In God,” one of my favorite segments.

    And I disagree with you about Kilborn, who always struck me as an unlikable, smarmy prick. Which is okay if you’re at least funny about it, but he wasn’t.


    I absolutely agree. Pick on public figures all you want; in fact, I encourage this. But when you dredge up some random schmuck and make fun of them, that goes too far. The exception I make is when the random schmuck is doing something dispicable, like the Bumvertising guy.

  8. Kevin Baker Says:

    I love Lewis Black. I have ever since I saw his pre-election 2000 piece where he said:

    “In my lifetime, we’ve gone from JFK to Albert Gore.

    “In my lifetime, we’ve gone from Ike to G.W. Bush.

    “If this is evolution, in a few years we’re going to be voting FOR PLANTS!

    Truer words… And funny as hell.

  9. TFS Magnum Says:

    Random Walk Around the Blogsphere

    Jeff at Alphecca asks if Saab Makes Guns or cars.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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